Saturday, October 15, 2016

Partnering with Anchor Realty in Minot ND

arK Property Investment, has partnered with Anchor Realty, one of the leading management companies in Minot ND, to offer the exclusive arK Home for lease.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nicole Curtis Talks Real Estate

Sunday July 26 Nicole Curtis Host of HGTV's Rehab Addict was the lead speaker at a real estate seminar at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina.  She spoke to the audience about entrepreneurship and starting your own real estate company.  arK's Vice President attended and got his picture taken with the famous real estate TV Star.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

arK Vice President with Nicole Curtis

One side benefit to having our office in San Diego California is that our staff has the opportunity to attend real estate seminars with such notable speakers as Nicole Curtis Host of HGTV's Rehab Addict.

Project Update: 11 Lots have been subdivided

The left over lots we purchased as part of the Ballantyne Sub-Division in North Hill have now been fully subdivided.  We can now develop 11 single family homes on our properties.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Minot ND Newest Developers

Awesome news, after our initial site visit to Minot ND we have secured the last part of the Ballantyne Sub-Division in North Hill. 

We are in process of developing homes for rental on the property; which should be ready for occupancy by mid next year 2015.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Minot Airport Outside

This is a video of the outside of the Airport, I wanted to get across how the facility is unable to meet its current requirements and needs to expand.