Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our Entrepreneurial Mission, Aspiration, And Risk Propensity

As one of the founders of our company I want to give you all some background, I lived in the Middle East for many years, houses and buildings their made me think I was in a SCIFI Movie.  I want to change the real estate development industry in America by building Dubai in America.  I don’t have the money or resources so I will start small, and I am not an original person so I am just going to copy the existing model and see if I can make a profit at it.  The construction Boom in Dubai was fueled and financed by Oil.  In North Dakota specifically the region of McKenzie County has boasted our country’s most vigorous economy over the past five years thanks to the ongoing Oil and Resource Boom; the state’s population has tripled in size since the 2010 census, so I am going to solve the issues with housing and commercial properties by building my dream. 

My aspiration is to create a real estate investment business with my wife and use it to build my dream in North Dakota and not go bankrupt.  My whole life I have dreamed about the future; taking my inspiration from literature and movies.  As I have gotten older I have seen our cities and communities change and not embrace the future.  Change has been driven by the wants of my peers and the baby boomer generation; they see new buildings as having no heart or style.  So in consequence all I see now are developers catering to old styles in homes; building Mediterranean and Victorian with modern twists trying to recapture the style of homes built from 1880-1920.  The future was over 50 years ago and it was rejected; Mid-Century modern was a revolution in architecture led by Frank Lloyd Wright, the homes and buildings of this style were meant to bringing more of the outdoors in with heavier use of windows and fewer walls to separate people from one another; I want to promote this style again as the future of America.

The risk propensity in North Dakota is high for investors; just the terminology used to describe the economy there, when you hear the word ‘boom’ you also think of the word bust.  Competition in the construction industry there is crazy, regional developers are active in the area and they are now competing for space with Wall Street investors and international firms representing investors from Australia to Singapore.  I have a family so I cannot take to many risks; the ownership structure of our new start-up company, arK Property Investment will be a privately held Limited Liability Company (LLC) and shall be registered in the state of North Dakota.  As a holding company to manage the developed real estate assets.

I think that our collective vision of the future has not lived up to our expectations.  Our dream is possible to accomplish, but it will have to happen slowly. At first anyway. The speed of chance is directly related to the amount of people that share our vision - other investors and partners. While building our investment company, we are looking for others that share our vision.  To accomplish our vision, we will need a strong network that believes in the idea. 

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