There is currently a lack of housing and commercial property infrastructure in the North Dakota Bakken Oil region for Families of oil workers and associated professionals.
What are the Next Best Alternatives (NBAs) that your potential customers have available to solve this problem for themselves right now?
There is plenty of new construction in the North Dakota Bakken Oil region, but most new homes and buildings in the region are site-built, there are many disadvantages to this type of building; weather is always a factor, shutting down work sites, damaging materials, and making work uncomfortably cold, hot, or wet for construction workers. Measuring, cutting, fitting, and nailing each “stick” into a whole house is tedious and time consuming; mistakes waste material and drive up costs.
How is your solution better than the NBAs? What is different? Is it different enough or do you need to work on your differentiation?
Our product is superior to our competitors because we will only build Modular Buildings which have faster construction time, and superior quality. Our buildings will be priced lower than their site-built counterparts, for a variety of reasons; speed of construction/faster return on investment, building and the site work will be completed simultaneously, reducing the overall completion schedule by as much as 50%.
What supports do you think you need to help you with your business plan. Where can you find them in your community?
As a start-up company we will initially seek to manage all the day-to-day activities of our company, but will seek outside professional legal and accounting services in our local area. Our business is always developing and expanding so next month we will visit North Dakota and start building relationships with tenants, lenders, investment firms, government agencies, architects, contractors, builders and other real estate firms in the local area.
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